This is a site about Stephen Herron, and his stuff. Also things, his or not.
Stephen Herron, who is me, is originally from Northern Ireland. He has lived in Ohio for two decades and has written stuff, taken pictures of things, and worked at places. Often at the same time.
He’s sorry about most of the unintentional awful he’s been responsible for and will try to do better.
He is not married, and is owned by four cats (rest in peace, Princess and Sebastian, hello to Rocket Kittenothy.)
Instagran IDs are:
@sjherronphotography (personal, fun)
@photosjhoot (slightly more pro and arty)
@sjh365_2024 (365 project for 2024)
All opinions expressed on this website are the author's own, and do not knowingly or purposefully reflect the opinions of his employers, friends, acquaintances, spouses (past or future), relatives, or significant other.
Much of Stephen Herron’s stuff, along with many of his things,
can be found on the social media channels below.
Consider investigating further.